Hybald of Bardney (d. 690)

St. Hybald, a Benedictine Abbot of Bardney, England, is known under various names (Higbald, Hibald, Hygbald). He is relative...
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The Author of Dei Verbum Speaks

Few passages from the documents of Vatican II have been the cause of more dispute than eleventh chapter of the Second Vatica...
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Medieval Examination of Conscience

The reflective exercise known as the Examination of Conscience has taken many formats throughout the history of the Church. ...
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The Use of Esztergom (Ritus Strigoniensis)

[We are pleased to present this article on the Use of Ezstergom (Ritus Strigoniensis) by Miklos Istvan Foldvary, wh...
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Lawrence Krauss's Nothing is not Nothing

Atheist apologist Lawrence Krauss's new book A Universe from Nothing takes the final leap in erecting a universe wi...
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Could Mary Queen of Scots Have Kept Her Throne?

After a brief and tumultuous reign on seven years (1561-1567), Mary Queen of Scots was defeated by a rebel army led by her h...
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