Coronation of Charlemagne
If one were to have a basic literacy of the most important dates in the history of Christendom, undoubtedly Christmas Day of...
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Balthasar and the "Faith" of Christ
The theologian Hans Urs von Balthasar is often promoted as an orthodox answer to the tidal wave of progressive theology inun...
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St. Triduana of Scotland
St. Triduana was a Scottish saint whose life is connected to the translation of the bones of St. Andrew to Scotland. Accordi...
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Prophecies of Malachy: Case for Authenticity
Every time there is a papal conclave you can be sure the internet will be flooded with articles on the prophecies of St. Mal...
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Spiritual, but not Religious
No one can deny that we are in a dark time in the history of the world, and that this stems mainly and fundamentally from th...
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Jews Praise Pius XII
One of the best answers to those antagonists of the Church who claim that Pope Pius XII did not do enough to defend Jews dur...
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