Liturgical Handwarmers

Celebrating the sacred liturgy in cold climates before the adven...
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St. Augustine's Rules for Good Homilies

The great St. Augustine of Hippo is usually remembered as a theo...
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Liturgical History of the Mandatum

The Holy Thursday Mass of the Lord's Supper is di...
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St. Cyprian on Disciplined Prayer

In honor of the Feast of Sts. Cornelius and Cyprian,  (Septembe...
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The Use of Esztergom (Ritus Strigoniensis)

[We are pleased to present this article on the Use of Ezster...
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A History of Multiple Voices in the Passion Readings

The most distinguishing feature of the Palm Sunday liturgy, whet...
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Head Coverings "Because of the Angels"

One of the most cryptic and difficult passages of the Bible is f...
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What is Archaeologism?

In his 1947 encyclical Mediator Dei, Venerable Pius XI...
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The Prayer Book Rebellion of 1549

In the year 1536, Catholics of northern England famously partici...
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The Assault on Constitutive Tradition

Why does the liturgy always bear the brunt of the attacks launch...
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Comparing the New and Traditional Lectionaries

In commentary after commentary of defenders of the Novus Ordo, f...
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Ostrich Eggs in the Liturgy

One of the most curious liturgical practices of the medieval Chu...
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